Remember who you are as you walk into eternity
This is Sho. She is the savior of all mankind. Sho has single pawededly defended earth from the evil chihuahuas from mercury.
This is boots, aka Frederick, aka the furry bandit, aka Mr. mittens. He is 3rd on the FBI’s most wanted for stealing the hearts of many people.
I don’t actually know this cats name so I’m going to call it Tony. Tony loves to sew chaos. Ok I have been informed her name is princess (Tony) and she does indeed love to sew chaos.
This is Midnight, she will steal your identity and rack up thousands of dollars of debt without any remorse.
Garfield will steal your love and lasagna
This is Luna. Luna suffers from a severe case of RBF. Despite her condition Luna is overly affectionate.
This is Tony. Tony yells at the neighborhood kids for being loud outside, then complains about “kids these days not playing outdoors”. Don’t be like Tony
This is Harold. He is incarcerated for eternity without the possibility of parole. His actions are so unspeakable I won’t be able to tell you on this platform.
This is Stash be is a colombian drug lord. Stash uses the proceeds of his empire to better the lives of all orphans and those in need.
This is Red. Red has escaped every prison they have been in. Red was falsely imprisoned for crossing international borders without Id.
This is Kat. Kat was abandoned in a KitKat factory. She has worked her way up to manager, with nothing but hard work and cutthroat tactics. One day she will confront the owner who is secretly her mother. Only time will tell what happens to Kat.
This is Kevin. Kevin likes to spend his retirement just swimming in the water and enjoying himself. Kevin insists he would never pee in the water like Bruce implied. It's hard to believe Kevin while he has that big grin on his face.
This is Bruce. Bruce isn't happy because someone peed in the water. He would put money on it being Kevin. Kevin would totally pee in the water.
This is Stewart. Stewart had been working for the trash service for as long as he can remember. Stewart is putting his three kids through the best private education money can buy with his work. Stewart doesn't care if it isn't the flashiest profession or there. All Stewart cares is that it provides a comfortable life for his family. That's is enough for him.
Carl was lucky and was able to get Lucy to join the attempted murder. Now Carl and Lucy need to find one more, and then they will have an official murder.
This is Carl. Carl wants to start a murder.
This is Patricia. Patricia loves to learn anything she can. Unfortunately, this makes her come off as a know it all or noisy. That's ok, though. Patricia doesn't care what others think because she still gets to learn.
This is Oscar. Oscar was an Olympic swimmer. Unfortunately, Oscar pulled his wing and has not been able to compete since. Luckily Oscar has found a career teaching kids to swim.
This is Scott and Peter. They are best friends. Scott loves to use his hardened back to slide down hills while Peter pulls him back to the top to let him slide back down again.
This is Janice. Janice is a little worried because she is about to embark on a single bird exploration to Pluto. The goal of Janice's mission is to reclaim Pluto as a planet
This is Dale. Dale has been dodging the IRS for years because he didn't want to pay taxes on a stick of bubblegum back in 1963. Dale's location will not be leaked for his own safety. Be free
This is Beatrice. Beatrice works hard every day to provide for the colony. One day Beatrice hopes to go into the bees wax business like her cousin Burt. For today however, Beatrice is content collecting pollen for the colony.
This is Nancy. Nancy is buying her time. No one but Nancy knows what she is waiting for, but she said you'll know it when it is time.
This is Tommy and Tina. Tommy and Tina have the zoomies and can't hold still to get their pictures taken. Tommy and Tina are in a fierce competition to see who can swim to the south pole and back the fastest. Their daring trek will begin in just four months. Who will win? You'll have to tune in to find out
This is Jane. Jane is unhinged. While working through the day, Jane keeps singing the toaster song. This leads everyone in the workplace to question her sanity. Sing on Jane, sing on
As the war of Vegtania comes to an end, the Carrot King lays in defeat under the unrelenting Archduke Asparagus. The battle was long and costly. The real losers of the war are the innocent vegetables trying to live a peaceful life. Before Archduke Asparagus sentences the Carrot King to death the last words, the king uttered where " one day my carrots will rise again. They will rise from the ground you walk on and will not stop until every last asparagus has been consumed." With that, the Carrot King was slain, and a new reign of Archduke Asparagus has begun.
The mushrooms are falling. When the last top hits the ground Ferngully attacks